We are an over-subscribed inner city Islamic Faith school dedicated to providing an excellent
education for all our children in partnership with Transform Trust.
"A winning organisation is an environment of personal and professional development, in which each individual takes responsibility and shares ownership."
James Kerr
Headteacher's Welcome
On behalf of ourselves, our children and all of the staff and governors, we warmly welcome you to the Zaytouna Primary Website. We are an exciting and happy school community who are committed to #DoingThingsDifferently. From our curriculum to our enrichment offer, our approach to professional development to our partnerships with the local community, we’re striving for innovation and excellence. We believe that school should develop a child’s mind, body and soul. This drives every decision that we make and we’re proud that we are able to offer this entitlement to all of our children. It’s what we care passionately about. We also know that to fulfil this, we need to ensure that mental and physical health and wellbeing is at our core. For our children and our adults. You’ll see this reflected in everything that we do.
We’re proud to be a school of Islamic distinctiveness – you’ll see that our QIS offer enriches our children to be the best versions of themselves. It’s what makes our school a genuine family community. This together with our comprehensive development of our core British Values means that our children are being well supported to become informed, critical thinkers of the future.
We are ambitious and unapologetic about what we do at Zaytouna. It’s based on what we believe to be important and on the future that we want for our children and ourselves. We make sure however that we have as much fun as we can along the way!
We hope that you enjoy your visit to our website and that you get a sense of what we’re up to. If you would like to visit our school to see for yourself how we’re doing things differently, then please contact the school office who will be happy to arrange a mutually convenient time.
#EveryoneALearner #EveryoneALeader
#DoingThingsDifferently #BenefitsOfBelonging
Mr Aaron Bird