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Zaytouna Primary School home page

Zaytouna Primary School


Our Attendance & Punctuality Standards

  • We expect every pupil to attend school for at least 96% of the time.
  • We expect pupils to arrive on time every day.
  • We will support parents in their legal responsibility to ensure their child attends school regularly and punctually.
  • We believe family holidays should not be taken during term time. We are not obliged to authorise requests for absences/holidays during term time. If you make such a request, you will be required to attend a meeting with the Deputy Headteacher. 
  • Our Bagel Bar runs on a Monday and Thursday morning from 8:20am-8:40am, children are welcome to take a bagel free of charge.


"There is not time like the present… and no substitute for being present."


One of the most important things affecting a child’s progress at school is regular attendance. For a child to gain most benefit from education, it is vital that parents work in partnership with the school to encourage good attendance and punctuality.


Every minute counts! 

The school gates open at 8:20am and close at 8:40am, the school operates a drop off service so no need for parents to park and walk children into school. 


Senior leaders are out every morning should to ensure children arrive at school safely.


5 minutes late per day = 


   3 days lost per year

10 minutes late per day =


6.5 days lost per year

15 minutes late per day =


10 days lost per year

20 minutes late per day =


13 days lost per year

30 minutes late per day =


19 days lost per year

If your child is brought to school late, you – as parents – will be issued with a yellow slip. This lateness will be recorded and monitored.


If you child is brought to school late after 9am, you – as parents – will be issued a red slip and your child will be marked in school using the “U” code. Persistent lateness can lead to a Penalty Charge Notice being issued by the Education Welfare Officer.



Unavoidable absence

At Zaytouna Primary we believe family holidays should not be taken in term time. We will not authorise any holidays except in exceptional circumstances.

Absences which are considered unavoidable maybe authorised by the school. These include:

  • Attending certain religious festivals or ceremonies which have been agreed with the school.
  • Being in hospital or having hospital treatment.
  • Attending a funeral with family.
  • Taking part in a public performance or an examination.


Avoidable Absence

Absences which are considered avoidable will not be authorised by the school. These include:

  • Minor illness or looking after an ill relative.
  • Looking after the house or waiting for workmen/deliveries etc.
  • Looking after brothers or sisters, including dropping them off at school or nursery.
  • Helping with housework or a family business.
  • Being unhappy or not getting on with others at school.
  • Being up late the night before.

