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Zaytouna Primary School home page

Zaytouna Primary School


On behalf of the board of governors, thank you for visiting our website. Our school is a pupil-focused environment that not only meets expectations, but exceeds expectations. We ensure our core values of peace, unity and equality are echoed throughout our platform.


Our school is on a journey to becoming a ‘School of Excellence’ in education standards and governance in the next few years.


Our success is based on a robust partnership between the school, parents, the governing board and the local community. One of our priorities this year is to strengthen this partnership and enhance the  environment in which the school could flourish further. We are extremely proud of our senior leadership team for their phenomenal efforts. The passionate and dedicated teaching staff are determined to every child is reaching their full potential, boosting their creativity and nourishing their talents.


This year our team of governors will continue to:

  • Steer the strategic direction of the school in the short, medium and long term: This is done by regularly reviewing school policies to ensure they are robust and fit-for-purpose, creating and designing new policies and ensuring the school stays on target with its aims and objectives. School governors don’t get involved in the day to running though.
  • Play a role as a critical friend: We work regularly with the headteacher and senior leadership team to overcome any obstacles and challenges that the school may be facing, to provides a birds-eye view ensure processes, policies and procedures are followed correctly.
  • Accountability & Benchmarking: We ensure the school performance is up to scratch and with our senior leadership team, work together to ensure that we don’t just meet the expectations, but raise the standards and quality of education that we deliver. We also ensure that the school finances well spent, overlook the safeguarding, staff appointments and premises management.


Most importantly of all, our governors and senior management team are committed to creating an environment where children can thrive in a fun learning environment. We hope that you will also share this ambition and support the school to take primary education to a whole new level! We would like to invite you to come and visit the school and be part of our journey to becoming a ‘School of Excellence’.


Abdul Basit Jabbar

Chair of Governors


The Chair of Governors can be contacted by emailing


Zaytouna Governing Body


Abdul Bassit Jabbar - Chair of Governors

Dr Falah Amawi - Vice Chair

Jill Wilkinson - Safeguarding Governor

Aaron Bird - Headteacher

Mohammad Haroon - Staff Governor

Burhaan Ismail-Khandia - Community Governor

Rania Ahmed - Parent Governor

Anisa Rehman - Parent Governor

Chandhi Khan - Parent Governor


Sarah Sayer - Governance Professional