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Zaytouna Primary School


Our Commitment to Safeguarding

Zaytouna Primary School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment.


We have a number of policies and procedures in place that contribute to our safeguarding commitment, including our Child Protection Policy and Safeguarding Policy which can be viewed in the policies section on our website.


Sometimes we may need to share information and work in partnership with other agencies, when there are concerns about a child’s welfare. We will ensure that our concerns about our pupils are discussed with parents/carers first, unless we have reason to believe that such a move would be contrary to the child’s welfare.


We actively support the Government’s Prevent Agenda to counter radicalism and extremism.


The Safeguarding Team


For Safeguarding concerns during school hours, please contact us on:

01332 383379


For Safeguarding concerns out of school hours, or in the event of a school closure, please contact us at:

07716480182 or 0115 982 5090


If you are concerned about a child, you can also contact Derby City Council’s Social Care Team on 01332 641172 or by completing an online referral form


The Lead DSL for Transform Trust is Claire Smith (0115 982 5090)

The Trust remains deeply committed to raising standards and achievement for all children regardless of ethnicity, race, gender or religion.


If children are to achieve academically, socially and emotionally to the best of their ability, it is essential that their basic needs for safety, protection and inclusion are successfully and confidently addressed. All children have a fundamental right to be protected from harm, attend school and have their specific individual needs met.


Safeguarding and the protection of our children, young people and staff is a key priority for the Trust and that’s why we have established our ‘Guardian’s Group, and a number of sub-groups specifically monitoring all safeguarding areas. The core function of our Guardians Group and its sub-groups are to provide support and guidance; to share and learn practice; and to challenge schools to ensure that children and staff are kept safe, attend, have equal access and their welfare promoted.


Our Guardians also have responsibility for ensuring that our schools are compliant with safeguarding legislation. This includes having rigorous recruitment processes for staff and volunteers, induction and mandatory and ongoing training.


We have a range of Trust safeguarding policies and guidance for all of our schools that ensures clear and robust action can be taken when required.


Our safeguarding practice allows our schools to provide a safe place for children, young people and adults to engage with us. We aim to demonstrate that our safeguarding practices are like a golden thread running through our schools, their curriculum and everyday life.

Safeguarding in the Curriculum and through Enrichment.


Safeguarding is at the heart of everything we do here at Zaytouna. Great importance is placed on identifying opportunities in the taught curriculum for children to learn about safeguarding.


Our broad curriculum gives pupils opportunities to experience life in all its diversity, to acquire knowledge, understanding, and skills that significantly impact personal development, behaviour, and welfare, and equips every child with the knowledge and skills required for personal safeguarding.


Our PSE curriculum covers all areas of Safeguarding through each of the strands to a different degree, however, some go into more detail. We are sensitive in our teaching and recognise that some more sensitive subjects need to be taught at an age-appropriate level, or at a small group or 1:1 level where a more urgent need arises.


We plan to constantly challenge children to think deeply about safeguarding matters and their own personal physical and mental wellbeing. We value pupils’ questions and give them space for their own thoughts, ideas, and concerns.


We give pupils’ opportunities across the curriculum to explore values, personal rights, responsibilities, and equal opportunities that develop moral concepts that impact positively on safeguarding, promote British values and prevent radicalisation and extremism.


Practical safeguarding opportunities are planned into the curriculum. For example:

  • Road and rail safety (including out of school visits, bike-ability, work with police officers in the community) 
  • Fire Brigade visits for Fire Safety Talks
  • Poolside and water safety through swimming lessons
  • Visits to school from medical staff
  • Visitors from charities such as NSPCC
  • Work from local voluntary sector services particularly around safe transition to Secondary school
  • Online safety quizzes and training
  • Safe use of technology including password security and privacy settings


We have developed an open and safe learning environment in which pupils express their views, seek help, and help others. The promotion of equality of opportunity and diversity, for pupils and staff, helps prevent any form of direct or indirect discriminatory behaviour.


Our children learn to not tolerate any prejudiced behaviour. Our behaviour policy promotes making good choices and exhibiting good learning behaviours. Class times are a time for sharing ideas, addressing concerns, and promoting important values.


Assembly time is used to explore themes. For example, we talk about anti- bullying including cyber bullying and British values including how these values are promoted in our multi–faith society. Staff and children are quick to challenge stereotypes and the use of derogatory language in lessons and around the school. Our school reflects the diversity of pupils’ experiences and provides pupils with a comprehensive understanding of people and communities.


Throughout the curriculum, there are planned opportunities to promote all forms of equality and foster greater understanding of and respect for people of all faiths (and those with no faith), races, genders, ages, and disabilities, through their words, actions and in their influence. Opportunities are created in a variety of subjects to address areas of safeguarding, for example, themes are highlighted through novels in English lessons (Boy at the Back of the Class).


Time is taken during Establishment Week to reaffirm school values, expectations, and rules for being part of the Zayteam. This good start to the year, with everyone clear about their roles and responsibilities, sets the tone for the rest of the year and leads to excellent safeguarding outcomes.


PHSE Overview


Assembly Themes





Key Texts