Our SENDCO is Mrs Kirsty Struthers.
Contact Details:
01332 383379
At Zaytouna Primary School, we are exceptionally proud of all of our pupils and value their diversity, uniqueness and variety of abilities. We are confident that we provide a vibrant and stimulating learning environment that meets the needs of all our pupils so that everyone is and feels included. We want all our pupils to experience success in everything that they do, and we are fully committed to providing each pupil with the best possible learning environment for them to maximise their full potential.
The Zaytouna Vision for SEND
We believe that every child is entitled to high quality inclusive provision with an emphasis on quality first teaching, where they are supported to achieve to the best of their ability.
“I am happy at school, it is the best school ever! Mrs Begum is really good she helps me to concentrate. I love that I am part of the class and can do the same work.” KS2 student who has a one to one support.
The aims of Zaytouna Primary School are guided by the Special Educational Needs and Disability Code of Practice 0-25 and link with those values derived from the local Education Authority.
SEND Documents for Zaytouna Primary School
Additional Documents
SEND Coffee Mornings
Sensory Areas at Zaytouna
The Ark at Zaytouna