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Zaytouna Primary School

Children’s Leadership

School Parliament - Champions of Change

Champions of Change

At Zaytouna Primary School, our School Parliament forms an integral part of the school where all the members play an important part in school life and school improvement.

Our aim is to give children the right to say what they think should happen and to have their opinion taken into consideration when adults are making decisions that may affect them.

At Zaytouna Primary School, we will always listen to the voice of our children and respect their views. We implement this by holding annual School Parliament Elections where representatives are elected for each year.


The School Parliament meet every two weeks and take information, ideas and questions back to their year group.

Our communication channels are – School Parliament notice board, questionnaires/surveys to pupils or specific year groups, school newsletters, e-mails and the school website.

The impact of our School Parliament has improved the school environment while promoting leadership, responsibility, and self-esteem. It also provides a sense of community and increased respect for everyone.

We are very proud of all our children at Zaytouna and always will be.


#WorldClass Leaders of Learning

At Zaytouna, we value pupils’ opinions and experiences. Our Leaders of Learning allow us to hear opinions from across all key stages, give children the opportunity to pitch their ideas for change and give the wider school community a valued spokesperson.

Our aim is for the children to take an active role in the teaching and learning that takes place around the school.


Members are given the opportunity to go ‘behind the scenes’ of how lessons are planned, work is assessed and classrooms are designed. They are given chances to discuss what they think about their own classroom experience, while also debating and critiquing teaching practice from other classrooms and year groups.


The Leaders of Learning meet on a half-termly basis and participate in a range of tasks and activities: designing and analysing pupil voice questionnaires, evaluating exercise books from across school and exploring classroom environments.


These meetings have had a valuable impact in a range of ways. Discussion notes and pupil voice data has been used to make changes in areas such as behaviour rewards, implementation of virtual blended learning and even the distribution of assessment results within classrooms.

It has also developed leadership, collaboration and oracy skills for our members and the wider school community.


Sports Leaders

Our Sports Leaders have been strategically chosen for the qualities they have shown when accessing sport. They are friendly, enthusiastic and compassionate leaders and athletes who continually demonstrate and promote the importance and high-expectations of sport and physical activity.


In this role, they will be working alongside a variety of staff members to help facilitate and promote all things sport-related. This will include organising and embedding our new interhouse system, refereeing interhouse matches, supporting our play-workers and monitoring and auditing our breaktime equipment and provision, ultimately ensuring that sport and physical activity throughout our school is fun, safe and inclusive.


In addition to this, they will act as the voice of their peers and will carry out surveys around PE, clubs and break times at different points throughout the year. Results will be presented and discussed collectively with staff to help suggest positive, popular changes to improve provision. They will ultimately help guide things like which clubs to offer and which sports to access, as well as having control of their own equipment budget.


Junior Drumba Leaders

Our JDLs will learn, teach and share routines with other children as well as assist with clubs, lessons and enrichment. Drumba Leaders will also help to develop Drumba across the school - including for parents and the wider community - raising its profile within Transform Trust through events and performances.


Prayer Leaders

At Zaytouna, prayer is a fundamental part of our day to day life. Our Prayer Leaders help to support this by playing an active role in leading prayer across different year groups and at different times of the day. They support us to lead our collective worship before whole school and class assemblies as well as represent our school at the Trust Multi Faith events.


Our Year 6 Prayer Leaders play a significant role in Jummah prayer by leading if the Imam is unavailable. 


Our Digital Safety Leaders known as i-Vengers will lead the children of Zaytouna as they learn and embed best practices for internet safety both in school and at home. They will help to deliver assemblies, create displays and assist teachers in the planning and delivery of learning experiences. They will ensure that children have quick, easy access to internet safety information on the playground, answering questions or directing children to the relevant adult to support them. i-Vengers are the voice of children in school.